Which Music Instrument Should You Learn?

There are so many different musical instruments out there and it can be difficult to choose the one that is right for you. But, there are some general guidelines you should follow in order to make sure that you pick the best instrument for your musical goals.

The first thing to keep in mind is what type of sound do you want? Do you want a mellow, slow sound or will you work better with a more upbeat, faster sound?

Another thing to keep in mind before choosing an instrument is how much time do you have? If both of these questions seem overwhelming, then just go ahead and get into playing a musical instrument.

Why Consider Learning a New Instrument?

One of the best ways to expand your skillset is to learn a new instrument by signing up for proper music lessons in Singapore. There are many benefits to learning a new instrument. Here are some important reasons why learning an instrument is beneficial for you:

- It can be good for your brain health as it stimulates different areas of your brain

- It will help you gain confidence as you will try something new

- The process of learning can teach you patience and perseverance

Ideal Instruments for Beginners and Pros

In this article, I am going to give a brief rundown of the top 3 instruments that today’s music students can choose from.

I will also explain the advantages and disadvantages of each instrument so that you can make an informed decision before committing to buy one.

The three instruments that I'll be discussing in this article are Violin, Cello and Piano.


There are many benefits of learning violin. Playing a musical instrument will help develop cognitive skills, build social skills and create long-lasting memories. Violin training can also improve coordination, memory and attention span.


The cello is a stringed instrument that uses the vibrations of a wooden bow to produce sound. It originated in the 10th century and became popular in the 18th century. It was originally written for court musicians, but now it is one of the most popular instruments within classical music.


When you learn the piano, you're not just learning an instrument that will help you express your creativity through music, but you're also developing a beautiful mind. It's been proven to boost your cognitive ability.

What to Consider Before Buying an Instrument

This is a question that every musician or music lover should ask themselves before getting their new instrument.

The most important thing to consider before buying an instrument is whether or not you're passionate about playing the instrument and if you have the time and patience to learn it. Some instruments are relatively easy to learn such as the piano, while others require years of practice.

When it comes to choosing your first violin, there are some things you should consider before choosing one such as budget, design, sound quality and brand. If you're looking for something that's affordable yet has a good sound quality then handmade violins will be perfect for you. Other than that, if sound quality isn't the most important factor in your decision-making process then student violins might be worth trying out.

You can contact LVL Music Academy for your music lessons needs and find a string instrument.

LVL Music Academy: Violin, Cello & Piano Lessons + Instrument Shop

195 Pearl's Hill Terrace, #01-12, Singapore 168976



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